Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Residential Roof Maintenance Can Save You Money

Roofs do not last forever, that is the bottom line. Whether you have purchased a brand new home, or you have owned your home for twenty years, roof maintenance is an important responsibility. For the most part, major roof failures including leaks, missing shingles, or interior water damage result when we ignore minor problems. Unfortunately, many homeowners are shocked when they learn the price of a roof replacement, especially considering the fact that minor repairs are usually easy and inexpensive.

As is the case with any costly problem, it is always best to prevent problems than to wait for them to arise; similarly, prevention is almost always the less expensive route. Preventative residential roof maintenance should be scheduled at regular intervals so that a professional contractor can inspect the condition of your roof and identify potential problems in advance. Regularly maintaining your residential roof not only helps to keep your roof in good condition, but internal elements of your home as well. Roof leaks can cause thousands of dollars of structural and aesthetic damage, but this does not need to be the case. Residential roof maintenance will solve external problems before they cause internal problems. Moreover, as roof damage allows water to infiltrate your home, standing water can get trapped in the ceiling or attic potentially leading to the formation of mould and mildew which are known to cause health problems.

Indeed, in many cases of regularly scheduled maintenance, residential roof repairs are quite minor and inexpensive. If these problems are ignored or overlooked, more major concerns will arise. These major concerns will likely lead to more damage on roofing surfaces which will become increasingly expensive to repair. Maintenance should ideally be scheduled after winter months when inclement weather such as heavy snowfall is likely to have had the greatest impact on your roof. A fall inspection is also advisable to ensure your roof is in optimal condition for withstanding winter weather. As you can see, regular maintenance prevents costly repairs in two ways: first, residential roof maintenance allows you to identify small leaks or damage to material before they become big problems; and, regular maintenance ensures that your roof is structurally sound and providing the best protection when you need it most.

Ultimately, an effective residential roofing maintenance program should be scheduled for twice a year. Your contractor should inspect your roof and roofing fixtures such as vents, chimneys, and gutters while also checking that roofing materials are in good condition. During maintenance debris will be removed from your roof and minor repairs will be made. Not only does maintenance prevent future repairs, but it also extends the life of your roof which is a cost saving measure on its own.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7377981

1 comment:

  1. During the winter you may find yourself checking the maintenance of your home much more often. This is a good thing, but you should always prepare for the winter during fall and summer. It is in these seasons that you should be checking around your home for mess ups, cracks, and dams.

    -Adam Ahmed
