Thursday, June 19, 2014

Is it time to replace your roof?

Many homeowners are not aware on how decide if it is time to replace there roof. For the average homeowner, it may not be visibly apparent that there roof is nearing it's life, and this is normal. If you are unsure whether your home requires a new roof or at least minor patching, consider calling an expert to inspect your roof for free. The following is an example of an extreme case where a simple roof inspection should have been completed years before.

A roof collapsed at the St. Anne Country Market building in Kankakee Illinois, prompting the closure of St. Anne's downtown area along Station Street on Tuesday afternoon. An abundance of rainwater apparently weighed the roof down causing about a third of it to crash into the second floor.

Don't let your home cave in before taking action and rectifying any issues your roof my have. Above All Roofing will get you a FREE INSPECTION and estimation. Call today and take a step towards protecting your family and personal belongings.

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to providing optimum insulation to your house, slate roof shingles are, perhaps, the best choice. Stop heavy use of the air conditioner and heating system during summer and winter with slate roof shingles and lower the cost of your electricity.

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